
Server admins have a few options to configure Ninbot with the Config command. Here are the available configurations and their defaults, if it applies.

Announcement Channel

Name: announcementChannel

Usage: Channel ID for Event announcements.

Dadbot Deny List

Name: dadbotChannelDenyList

Usage: Channel IDs for deny listing Dadbot reactions.

Pathogen Deny List

Name: pathogenDenyListChannel

Usage: Channel IDs for deny listing Pathogen actions.

Streaming Announce Users

Name: streamingAnnounceUsers

Usage: List of users that will be announced when the stream. This is managed by the Twitch command and does not need to be used by the Config command.

Streaming Announce Channel

Name: streamingAnnounceChannel

Usage: Channel ID for Twitch announcements.

Role Deny List

Name: roleDenyList

Usage: Deny list of role names you don’t want to show up in the subscribe/unsubscribe command.

Streaming Role

Name: streamingRole

Usage: Role ID for role you want to be assigned when someone starts streaming.

Topic Change Channel

Name: topicChangeChannel

Usage: Channel IDs that Ninbot will announce when the topic is changed.

Server Timezone

Name: serverTimezone

Usage: Sets the server’s timezone, used for event announcements. Should be formatted as GMT+1, GMT-1, or just GMT.

Default: GMT-6

Deprecated Configurations

Server Locale

The Discord server’s Locale will automatically be used instead.

Name: serverLocal

Usage: Changes Ninbot’s language server wide.

Possible options: de, en, es, fr, it, pt, ru

Default: en